
REEW Postponed

The COVID-19 pandemic still has a tight grip on our business routine. At present, it is not possible to foresee when the next Renewable Energy and Efficiency Week (REEW) can take place. As the character of the REEW essentially feeds from the personal interaction of its participants from all around the globe, we aim for a physical conference in Berlin and decided not to organize a virtual event for the time being. We ask for your patience and will keep you updated at this site!

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About the REEW

The Renewable Energy & Efficiency Week (REEW) is the largest expert workshop for partners of German bilateral development cooperation in the energy sector. Since 2011, it is organised annually by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The event aims to support our partners in efficiently promoting national transformation processes towards sustainable energy systems and energy access. This year’s thematic focus lies on interlinkages between energy and climate change and the decarbonisation of the energy sector.

Steady in vision, flexible on the way

In the face of "Fridays for Future" and the German government's climate protection package, Renewable Energy and Efficiency Week (REEW) is also becoming increasingly important. Around 300 participants from 36 countries met in Berlin from October 7 to 11 to discuss concrete solutions for advancing renewable energies and climate protection in the partner countries of German development cooperation.

Some impressions from the REEW conference 2019

The REEW has become one of the most important expert workshops of German bilateral DC in the energy sector. With this five-day event, the BMZ supports national transformation processes towards sustainable energy systems and energy access. Numerous discussions and presentations on energy technologies of the future, global and national trends in the energy transition, business models and financing, and private sector engagement highlighted the requirements for future global energy supply. This year, the focus was on decarbonization, synergy effects between climate and energy, and the energy-urban transport nexus. For Bärbel Höhn, the BMZ's energy representative for Africa, the matter is clear: Sustainable energy for all is the most important sustainability goal, because the achievement of the other SDGs depends largely on SDG 7. Without energy, no hospital, no school can be operated, no rural region can be developed. In this respect, a sustainable ("firm in the vision") energy transition that is tailored to the respective regional requirements ("flexible on the way") is the only way to protect humanity from the effects of climate change and at the same time open up development opportunities for them. To this end, GIZ programs bring together the use of clean energy and the goals of the SDGs in many ways: While EnDev contributes to women and health with Clean Cooking, for example, supports local entrepreneurs.

In numerous discussions at REEW, it was repeatedly emphasized that the energy transition in DC partner countries essentially depends on the realization of three levels of supply on the ground: The basic supply of households and micro-enterprises, the supply beyond these basic needs towards a sustainable, decentralized and productive use of energy, and the supply of large consumers and consumption centers. A visible example of this is Green Citizen Energy, which aims to supply 500 commercial enterprises (SMEs) by 2022, including at least 50% in the agricultural sector with renewable energy, with a particular focus on collaboration with local actors, municipalities and cooperatives. This year's "Private Sector Day", which was again organized in cooperation with the DC-Scout program, once again brought the importance of the private sector in mobilizing human resources, financing, innovation and know-how as well as involving civil society in the implementation of national energy transitions in GIZ partner countries more into focus. Around 30 invited representatives from industry associations and companies from the renewable energy, energy efficiency, grid integration and energy storage sectors were available for an exchange with the REEW participants.